
Introverted academics and industry veterans united, translating complex AI and Neuroscience knowledge into practical business growth.

We grew tired of the escalating superficial nonsense that was polluting companies and individuals.

Our mission is to make the world more AWESOME and more EMBODIED.

No empty rhetoric.

Daryl S. Rivera

Machine Learning Engineer

Kevin Dickerson

Professor of Cybersecurity

Justina C. Heim

Professor of Data Science

Michael C. Figueroa


Dennis Hamrick

Machine Learning Engineer

Teodoro A. Engle

Professor of International Relations

Jéssica Duarte

Machine Learning Engineer

Melissa Truong

Artificial Intelligence Researcher

Margaret Beck

Professor of Robotics

Scott Turner

Data Analyst for Logistics

André FR Silva

Human Intelligence Researcher

Kevin L. Volz

Human-Computer Interaction Engineer

"I have thoughts which, if I could reveal them and make them live, would add new luminosity to the stars, new beauty to the world and greater love to the hearts of men."

Fernando Pessoa